Armani Exchange

Project: Exhibition
Event: Pitti Immagine Uomo
Location: Florence, Italy

Armani Exchange was born in 1991 and was inspired by the New York metropolitan style. It came out in the 2019 edition of Pitti Uomo in Florence.

Barberini was the partner for the realization of this exhibition space.

A total of 200 sqm inside a suggestive fencing hall, hosting diversely dynamic areas with a strong visual impact, showing the energetic soul of the brand.

The message that Armani wants to deliver through this set-up is: freedom of personal expression, vitality and fun. This concept inspired the creation of a "Gaming area” at the entrance, consisting of a basketball court, video games and other entertainments that recall the streetwear of the 90ties from which the Exchange brand was born.


Via Giuseppe Impastato
61040 Castelvecchio di Monte Porzio (PU) Italy
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